From the browser window’s header, you may:
- Navigate backward
- Navigate forward
- Refresh the current page
- Create a new tab
- Open the library
- Enter an address
- Open the tab overview
- Leave a note
- Find text in the current page
- View your replicas in the file manager
- Open the browser menu
Address Bar
As you type, the address bar will suggest pages from your browser history, your bookmarks, and from notes shared on OkuNet.
The browser history can be viewed in the library. You can revisit pages by clicking on their history entries. You may copy the addresses of history entries, or delete them.
When more than one tab is open, the tab bar is visible at the top of the browser window. Tabs can be pinned or unpinned, and can be muted or unmuted. Tabs can be dragged off a window to create a new browser window, and can be transferred between windows by dragging & dropping as well.
The tab overview is another way to view your tabs, with a scrollable gallery showing live previews of the open tabs. It allows you to search for tabs, pin or unpin tabs, mute or unmute tabs, create new tabs, and drag & drop tabs as well.
Finding in Page
You may find text in a page by typing in the text you’re looking for and then navigating to the next or previous
matches. The current match is highlighted in yellow, while others are highlighted in grey.
There are several options for modifying the finding behaviour:
- Case-insensitive matching
- Matching text only at the start of words
- Treating a capital letter in the middle of a word as a starting letter
- Treating a capital letter in the middle of a word as a starting letter
- Searching backwards
- Looping back to the beginning after the last match